Automatic Order Tags - Ablestar
Automatic Order Tags

Flag orders & never miss a beat

Easily tag customers and orders with custom rules, and apply rules to past orders with Automatic Order Tags.

Starting at
$9 / per month
The Old Way

Missed orders, manual checking, unorganized stores

Without the ability to create tagging rules, it’s easy to waste time, miss orders, and end up with a store that’s unorganized.

Missed orders
It’s easier than you think to miss important orders. These could be high value, international, or at high risk of fraud.
Manual checking
Manually checking when an order’s items are in stock and can be shipped is time-consuming and — frankly — not what you should be doing.
Unorganized stores
Without adding tags to orders, it’s easy for everything to become unorganized. This makes it difficult to track orders or see which products are selling well.
The New Way

Tag orders from our library of rules in just a few clicks, or customize these rules and create new ones from scratch.

Improve order fulfillment
Add tags to orders that are shippable, that contain certain products, are international, from specific customers—the list goes on.
"AMAZING support that goes with a product that works . . . They go above and beyond to make sure you get what you need."

Tag customers & orders, fast

Apply tags to customers and orders based on dynamic conditions. These can be easily changed and customized to your exact requirements.

Apply rules to existing orders (seriously)

Once you’ve created a rule, you can easily apply it to existing orders to make sure they’re tagged consistently with new orders.

Save hours—add Ablestar to your Shopify store today